Science, technology, innovation and participation for sustainability

Projects bridging research, governance and education in Paraíba and the Brazilian Northeast

DATAPB is a research project that involves scientists, professors, managers, and community leaders with the overall goal of combining the most advanced tools of information technology and data science with a comprehensive understanding of the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainability to promote a network of research, governance, and education projects that foster socio-cultural, economic, and environmental transformations aligned with sustainability.

Get to know the DATAPB objectives and its main tools:

Ensuring the curation, accessibility, and visibility of scientific data on sustainability produced by institutions in Paraíba and northeastern Brazil, , preserving them in the long term and making them findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable, and citable, according to the FAIR principles. conforme os princípios FAIR.

Promote Open Science and e-Science in the academic community of Paraíba, encouraging the training of researchers with the technical competencies and skills required for excellence in scientific data management and the development of applications that reuse large datasets to generate innovation.

Develop data synthesis tools to support the application of big data in the development of public policies, community projects, and educational materials, demonstrating the possibilities for innovation resulting from the integration, interoperability, and reuse of large structured datasets from the Dataverse repository of DATAPB.

Develop pilot projects applying data synthesis tools for the development of research, public policies, community projects, and educational materials, demonstrating how e-Science can be applied to sustainability with the training of leaders to promote a culture of sustainability and the socioecological transformation of territories in the Northeastern region of Paraíba.

The relationship between DATAPB and the IDEAL IJL

The conception of the project that gave rise to DATAPB emerged in the context of the elaboration of the macro-project of the International Joint Laboratory IDEAL (artificial Intelligence, Data analytics, and Earth observation applied to sust Coviabilityinability Lab)IDEAL is a Franco-Brazilian socioecological research consortium that was approved by the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) for the period of 2023-2027, co-led by Prof. Rafael L. G. Raimundo (Campus IV of UFPB) and Dr. Laure Berti-Equille (IRD ESPACE DEV). Below is a summary of information about LMI IDEAL, the participating institutions of the consortium, and the associated adaptive transformation network of IDEAL, the ITAN.

Objetives of the International Joint Laboratory IDEAL:

Promote transdisciplinary research, knowledge synthesis, and applications linking concepts, methods, and data in agroecology, biodiversity, hydrology, and society. To do so, we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) to diagnose the socio-ecological conditions of territories based on large datasets. These diagnoses are used for the co-construction of models of adaptive transformation towards sustainable agroecological landscapes in northeastern Brazil.

The IDEAL IJL encompasses territories in the following Brazilian states:
Rio Grande do Norte

Offer academic training and scientific exchanges in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science programs applied to Sustainability, with seminars, thematic schools, and training via ITAN, the Adaptive Transformation Network of IDEAL (see below) that will connect institutions and territories facing similar challenges.

The training activities of DATAPB are part of ITAN.

ITAN will offer learning opportunities for:
Students, Educators, Pocymakers and
Community Leaders

Strengthen the international visibility of Brazilian teams with high-level publications, open-source demonstrators, and FAIR data supporting different actors, including public managers, educators, community leaders, and entrepreneurs, thus supporting territories in the process of socioecological transition.

IDEAL bridges education, research, community service, innovation and internationalization

Institutions in the IDEAL IJL network:

The following institutions are members of the IDEAL IJL:

Co-leading institutions

  • Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) – Brasil
  • UMR IRD Espace pour le développement (ESPACE-DEV) – França

Brazilian Institutions

  • Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EP-USP)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • GBIF Brasil
  • INCT Odisseia
  • INCT Onda CBC
  • Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio)
  • Fundação Cearense de Metereologia e Recursos Hídricos (FUNCEME)

French institutions

  • Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
  • UMR IRD Patrimoines Locaux, Environnement et Globalisation (PALOC)
  • UMR IRD Unité de Modélisation Mathématique et Informatique des Systèmes Complexes (UMMISCO)
  • GBIF France

Get to know ITAN, the IDEAL Transformative Adaptation Network

The ITAN is a network of adaptive transformation connecting the institutions, projects, and people that are part of the International Joint Laboratory. Learn more about ITAN by clicking here.

+e-Science for Sustainability
the confluence of two paradigms

e-Science and Sustainability are two central paradigms for applying Science and Technology to tackle key challenges of the 21st century. Click on the red icon to watch (in Portuguese).

Rafael Raimundo and Guilherme Dias (UFPB)

e-Science and Sustainability: the confluence of two paradigms

Talk at the opening session of the I Online Symposium on e-Science for Sustainability promoted by DATAPB in March, 2022.