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A cultural change towards sustainability depends on Education

We understand the social construction of sustainability as a comprehensive process of cultural transformation requiring new approaches to Environmental Education encopassing big data and knowledge synthesis. Such innovative approaches include collaborations between universities and public schools to develop and amplify sustainability projects involving the different segments of society.


The territorialization of Environmental Education is a central part of our approach. We seek to connect the universality of the sustainability debate with local social, economic and environmental contexts.

data science

Na era da informação, os educadores são desafiados a desenvolver na educação básica as competências e habilidades requeridas para a formação de cidadãos críticos e tecnicamente preparados para lidar com big data. 


The articulation between a territorialized Environmental Education and a solid vision of democratic and ethical principles is fundamental for the formation of citizens prepared for the socioenvironmental challenges of the 21st century.

pilot projects

DATAPB Environmental Education operates in the state of Paraíba. It promotes teacher training combined with the production of teaching practices focused on sustainability.

Information-based reflection

Linking critical pedagogy and
quantitative science

One of the main challenges for Education in the 21st century is the formation of citizens capable of processing, synthesizing and interpreting large volumes of information and of using it wisely, ethically and creatively. In this context, we shall promote transdisciplinarity that combines philosophy, quantitative science and ethics from basic to higher education.

Active methodologies, youth protagonism and big data

Teachers and students engagaed in coproducing knowledge

In the information society, every person can synthesize data and produce knowledge. We encourage the view that quantitative research is a skill that can and should be worked on from Basic Education.

Putting philosophy into practice with science and citizenship

Environemental education beyond school via amplifying projects

The conception and realization of territorialized Environmental Education practices in the context of communities, churches, companies and other social organizations contributes to the flourishing of a culture of sustainability.