Co-constructing Resilient

with Science, Democracy and Inclusion

Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals

The application of quantitative science together with new mechanisms of social participation in research and inclusion policies are necessary conditions for the coviability of the ecological, sociocultural and economic aspects of sustainability.


The concept of resilience is a connector between ecological, economic and social theories and methods and a key element in the integrative approach of socioecological coviability.


The construction of synthetic indicators that adequately capture the different aspects of resilience under the coviability paradigm is a challenge we are facing.


We are part of the IDEAL Transformative Adaptation Network (ITAN), which promotes research and governance in 4 states of Northeast Brazil.

pilot projects

The Coviable Future project at Barra de Mamanguape and the Sustainability Atlas of Paraíba are pilots of DATAPB's Sustainable Governance axis.

The holy grail of bioeconomies of the future

Understanding and managing socioecosystems

The key to effective sustainability lies in connecting the understanding of biodiversity networks, which regulate ecosystems, with the socio-productive networks that shape the relationship between society and nature. The view of socioecosystems as complex adaptive systems is internationally recognized as a robust approach to understanding and managing these networks.

The alchemy of Science with Democracy

What does it mean to do science with social participation?

A change of perspective in which local communities are no longer an object of study but become co-protagonists of research. It is a first step towards bridging science-based public policies ad new mechanisms of direct democracy.

Conectando conhecimentos para realizar sonhos 

ITAN: network thinking, action and innovation

In the era of Big Data, knowledge production and socio-cultural and eco-evolutionary changes towards sustainability require adaptive transformation networks that connect territories, institutions and people to trigger strategic innovations we urgently need.