Diálogo entre epistemologias acadêmicas e indígenas
Ecology, Sustainability and multicultural science
connecting deep Brazil
With participants from Potiguara People and UFPB, a meeting held by the Serrapilheira Institute in Rio de Janeiro brought together indigenous peoples and ecologists to seed projects of dialogue between academic and traditional knowledge. This emerging network builds multicultural science aimed at sustainability and biocultural transformation of territories in different parts of Brazil. Photo: Pedro Lira - Serrapilheira Institute.
Our gateway fosters
Open Science
research, governance and
education towards
Socioecological Coviability
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, DATAPB combines Information Science principles and technologies with a transdisciplinary approach to Sustainability, which focuses on ecosystems and people.
We adopt the concept-paradigm of socioecological coviability -- which refers to the multiple possibilities by which people and nature can coexist in persistent, fair and functional ways. Hence, we seek to promote the resilience of socioecological systems by combining the restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem functions and social and productive inclusion in environmentally degraded and socially vulnerable territories of Northeast Brazil.
Paraíba researchers promote synthesis of biodiversity
O DATAPB está associado com o PRONEX Biodiversidade da Paraíba para promover a disponibilização de dados sobre biodiversidade com base em princípios FAIR, tornando-os encontráveis, acessíveis, interoperáveis e reutilizáveis.
Foto: Blonde capuchin, Sapajus flaviusat RPPN Engenho Gargaú by Thomas de Carvalho Callado, License CC BY 4.0.
Big Data, Ecology and Society
Frente aos desafios do Antropoceno, promovemos acesso livre a grandes conjuntos de dados ambientais, econômicos e sociais sob os princípios FAIR (dados localizáveis, acessíveis, interoperáveis e reutilizáveis).
Our tools are associated with pilot projects developed under the co-viability paradigm, including governance approaches for adaptive territorial transformation and teacher training combining Critical Pedagogy and Data Science.
Applied Transdisciplinary Science
Data integration is a key element for conceptual syntheses, methodological innovations and network actions that are features of the emerging, transdisciplinary Sustainability Science.
Combinamos perspectivas das Ciências Biológicas, Exatas e Humanas para promover a resiliência socioecológica, gerando inovações integrativas que alavanquem soluções para vidmate os múltiplos desafios da coviabilidade.
Tools for Researchers, Policymakers, Educators and Communities.
Compreendemos a construção da sustentabilidade como uma transformação cultural que abrange todos os setores da sociedade. Por esse motivo, nossas ferramentas são desenvolvidas tendo em vistas aplicações na pesquisa, educação e gestão.
ITAN Network
Connecting territories, projects and people for sustainability
DATAPB is part of the IDEAL Transformativa Adaptation Network (ITAN).
The ITAN network is under construction and this is a summary of our numbers, describing projects that are approved and under implementation in the Brazilian Northeast
Join our network
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e não necessariamente refletem a visão das instituições financiadoras e da Universidade Federal da Paraíba.